The following five articles are based on the results of Finnish Clubhouse Coalitions´ co-research project ” Community Inclusion & Individual Transitions ” (OSSI project, Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organizations, Finland 2020–2022).

Co-research is a part of participatory turn and a broader change in mindset, which emphasizes people’s more active involvement in all activities, projects and political decision-making that concern them. The aim is to promote implementation of democracy at different levels and practices of society. 

Participatory research is an umbrella concept for this kind of trends in which the role of the participating people is more central than in traditional research. They are not seen only as the ’subjects’ of research interviews, but they are invited to participate in all stages of research: the planning of research, designing interview themes and questions, implementation of interviews, coding & analysis of data and reporting results. This corresponds well with the values ​​and standards of Clubhouses.



Sense of Belonging

Pirjo starting her presentation in European Conference on Mental Health in Lissabon 2022.

PowerPoint Presentation: Newcomer & Sense of Belonging

Here are the slides of Aki´s and Pirjo´s presentation in ECMH conference about the Newcomer´s experiences and Sense of Belonging.

Forward in life

Student´s Clubhouse

Proceeding Outside Clubhouse

PowerPoint Presentation: Forward – Student – Proceeding

Here are the slides of Sauli´s, Inka´s and Antti´s presentation in ECMH conference about How Clubhouse Helps Members to Get Forward in life, the Meaning of Clubhouse for Students and the Ways Clubhouse Encourages Realization of Dreams.