Data helps to present the effectiveness and impact of Clubhouse activities to funders and decision-makers and is an important part of the coalition’s – and Clubhouses’ – impactful communication. It assists the coalition in directing the right kind of support and training to the Clubhouses and helps the Clubhouses in directing the right kind of support and work tasks for their members.

All Finnish Clubhouses’ data is in the Salesforce member information system managed by the coalition, specifically built for the needs of the Clubhouses. It has been developed with user experience in mind since 2019. The Finnish Clubhouse Coalition is the super admin and has access to all data from all Clubhouses. We have our own employee who maintains and develops the system. Through Salesforce, the coalition tracks Clubhouses’ member and visitor numbers, daily attendance, the quantity of members’ goal plans, etc. Increasingly, the coalition and Clubhouses track these figures through Microsoft PowerBI. Its user-friendliness and visual representation have helped many in adopting data-driven decision-making more in the day-to-day operations of the Clubhouses.

Additionally, the coalition manages a joint Member Survey among the Clubhouses, which maps members’ experiences regarding the usefulness of activities for their own recovery, need for treatment, and, for example, the development of work and study skills. Member survey is filled out once a year. The goal is to have as many members as possible respond to the survey (At least 30-40 % of active members). The member survey integrates the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare’s Experiences of Social Inclusion Scale (ESIS), used by many wellbeing services counties in Finland as well. The survey also includes a Quality of Life scale (Based on The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) measure and a Psychological Sense of Community Scale.

At an individual ( = member) level, data is collected using a goal planning tool (Oma polku, meaning “Your Path”) designed for Clubhouse members. At the beginning of 2024, we also integrated individual-level measurement tools into the ”Oma polku” system: The Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR), the Readiness for Return to Work Scale, and the Readiness for Studies Scale. These tools allow us to better track changes in members’ work ability and functional capacity.

All of our Clubhouses have dashboards that consist of KPI’s they need for the funders, for example:

  • How many members visited the Clubhouse during the year/month & comparison to the previous year
  • How many members took part in the virtual Clubhouse operations during the year/month & comparison to the previous year
  • Reach out & comparison to the previous year
  • Potential new member visits & comparison to the previous year
  • New members & comparison to the previous year
  • Member’s age distribution & gender representation
  • How many members have been working during the year & comparison to the previous year
  • How many members have been studying during the year & comparison to the previous year)

The Finnish coalition gathers data about its own activities (participant numbers, numbers of partners, etc) just like the Finnish Clubhouses do. Members and employees involved in coalition team work annually evaluate the success of teamwork with specific KPI’s. Feedback is also collected from each visit to a Clubhouse. This feedback helps, among other things, in creating the coalitions’ action plan for the following year.